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Showing posts from September, 2018

Installing Kubernetes on CentOS

Installing Kubernetes on CentOS can be little different from installing it on Ubuntu because CentOS is an enterprise version of Linux. So there are a couple of steps which Ubuntu takes care for you which needs to be done manually in CentOS. I have tried to list the detailed steps of installing Kubernetes on CentOS version of 7.4. If you find challenge in any of the steps please do write them below in the comments section and I will try to fix them. The first few steps are common for working on the Master node and Worker node. There will be a difference of steps once Kubernetes is installed and we just need to join the nodes together. Common Kubernetes Installation Steps: 1) First login as root user and turn the swap memory off: sudo su swapoff -a vim /etc/fstab Comment out the swap, /root/swap, save and exit 2) Pull in the latest updates, install & start docker yum -y update yum -y install docker systemctl enable docker systemctl s...